Infection Control is in the News
Ebola is everywhere in the news, especially since two nurses have contracted the disease while caring for a patient, and the CDC recently strengthenedĀ guidelines for proper protective equipment.
As a result, many hospitals have begun putting together kits to be prepared for a potential Ebola patient and running drills to ensure tight new protocols are followed and everyone is safe.
At MarketLab, we understand the urgency and need to swiftly make the proper PPE products readily available to protect each person, and to have Specimen Transport products on hand to ship off specimens to the CDC for confirmation.
Please visit our PPE preparedness page to order these and other personal protective equipment and transport products.
PPE Essentials
Cover your entire face to shield off spray. |
Be compliant in shipping Category A specimens for testing. |
Coming Soon to MarketLab! Impervious products, including hoods for full body protection. |
Quick Reference
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is updating their site regularly as the situation changes. For the most up-to-date information on ebola, be sure to visit the What’s New page of their ebola section.