Phlebotomists, affectionately known as phlebs, are among the most underappreciated healthcare professionals. Regardless of where they stand on being called “vampires” or “bloodsuckers,” their contributions are routinely undervalued by those who do not understand the importance of their role and the challenges they face on a daily basis.
Here are five ways for medical professionals and patients to show phlebs they care.

Offer to buy them lunch
This is one of the easiest and most appreciated gestures to make. Who doesn’t love a free lunch? It’s also a great opportunity to get to know a new addition to the team or someone who tends to be more on the private side, if they’re willing to open up, of course.

Get them a new cart or tote
Those in buying positions in their healthcare organizations can make a huge difference in their phlebotomy team’s workdays. A new tote or cart that’s lighter, more maneuverable, or has more compartments can not only improve efficiency, it can also go a long way in improving morale. Listening to phlebotomists’ requests and investing in their needs shows you value them.

Compliment their accuracy
Phlebotomists often don’t get enough credit for how challenging their job can be and how much skill it requires. Not every patient is an easy stick. Draw sites can be incredibly difficult to find. Nervous, squirmy children also can add another layer of complexity. When a phlebotomist handles one of these situations deftly, it’s worthy of praise.

Strike up a conversation
Taking a bit of time out of one’s day and chatting with a coworker can be an enlightening exercise. Even a few short minutes can provide valuable insight regarding a phleb team’s daily challenges and struggles, and also help to make them feel appreciated.

Talk them up to their supervisor
Never doubt the impact of going out of your way to celebrate someone’s contributions to management. Let’s face it: too often are supervisors tasked to deal with negative feedback. That makes the positive stand out all the more. If a phleb goes above and beyond, it shouldn’t go unnoticed. It should be shouted from the rooftops and told to the decision makers.
CONTEST HAS ENDED: Show us how you show phlebotomists you care. Enter our Spoil Your Phlebs Contest by emailing us or Facebook messaging us pictures of your celebration. The winner will receive a $700 Insight Phlebotomy Cart!